Your search for funding is over! Do you have a business and struggle to secure funding? Do you feel overwhelmed paying your monthly business expenses? Have you tried to expand your business, but don't have the capital? Do you want a business where you can afford to pay yourself a salary? If any of the above questions describe you, then this book is the answer that you have been searching for! Business Credit Builder is a systematic and strategic way to learn how to build business credit, obtain revolving lines of credit, net accounts, fleet cards, accounts receivable financing and many other financing resources. This book will save you time and expedite your access to funds for your business. How? Well, the more you learn from this book, the less time you will spend researching on your own and asking questions. Business Credit Builder offers you a book that is concise, easy to read and understand. You can continue trying to find the answers on your own or you can start building your business credit profile with Business Credit Builder!