Brendal Bass Davis is in spirit-to-Spirit conversations with God, continually. As appropriate, she is comfortable with one-word prayers (Jesus!), the three-word prayer her grandmother, Helen, taught (Lord have mercy), and longer prayers inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Through this devotional journal, she desires to inspire others to develop and grow their prayer lives comfortably. Spending time alone with God in two-way conversations is empowering, peaceful, and it brings joy. Prayer produces faith over fear, and Brendal is not quiet about it.
This journal presents a simple process for building a strong relationship with God. It involves reading (the Word), praying (the Word), listening (to God), and journaling (what God breathes in your spirit). Journaling is a way of recording your historical journey with God and man, and it serves as a reference for you, your children, and others in your circle of life in the years to come.