Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life (Proverbs 4:23 NLT).
If we desire to live peaceably with our spouses and others, the first thing we must take care of is our heart. In this book we draw the parallel between the condition of our physical heart and our spiritual heart to arrive at some fundamental marital truths.
The New Testament uses the Greek term kardia to denote the heart as the center of both physical and spiritual life. In the physical sense, the heart is the primary organ and regulator of our blood circulation to all parts of our body. Its pace and vigor are important indicators of our general well-being.
The spiritual heart is the center of all our beliefs, attitudes and impulses, thoughts, passions, desires, appetites, affections, purposes, and endeavors. It is the seat of our understanding, of our intelligence, of our will and character. The responses of our spiritual heart are an indicator of our relationship with God and man.
This powerful book shows you how to maintain a healthy spiritual heart, a joy-filled marriage and shows you ways to remove any heart blockages that prevent life-giving resources, unconditional love and forgiveness from flowing in your marriage.