Every nonfiction author dreams of being a bestselling author, having their book flourish in the hands of eager readers. This dream hinges on a well-positioned book and a savvy understanding of marketing. Many authors feel like they have tried everything in the world of self-publishing-launching mass press releases, designing attractive bookmarks, and attempting to run ads on Amazon. Yet the numbers crawl, the dream stalls, and the frustration mounts.
Julie Broad, author of Self-Publish and Succeed and Founder of Book Launchers, brings her high-energy approach and hold-nothing-back attitude with this compelling follow-up guide to Self-Publish and Succeed. Julie champions indie authors to book marketing success, showing you the secret goes beyond the narrow focus on book sales. She presents a map to use your book to become an industry thought leader, bolster your personal brand, and leverage your book as a tool for business growth.
You'll discover how to:
It's time to take your authorship to the next level. Navigate the intricacies of self-publishing and book marketing using the same methods clients pay her tens of thousands of dollars for. Get Self-Promote and Succeed and let this writer's guide to promoting, marketing, and selling your nonfiction book be the reason your journey heads toward success.