This powerful debut anthology from Pear Shaped Press features contributions by feminists from all walks of life. What started out as an introductory book for teens, has morphed into a set of stories and sentiments about the continued search for gender equality through the ages. A Teenager's Guide to Feminism is aimed at helping today's youth navigate the necessary but sometimes controversial topics surrounding what it means to be a feminist or a woman in modern society. Essays, letters, and poems range in topic from things we wish we could go back to tell our teenage selves, hopes and dreams for the future, and things we would tell our mothers and the other strong women who shaped us. From discussions of the changing ideologies around what it means to identify as a woman, to sexuality, beauty standards, and self-expression in a post #metoo world, this book shares stories of all kinds of love, coming of age, resilience, admiration, determination and advice to carry on. Most of all, it's a book to be shared, designed to encourage readers to define their own ideas of feminism and the female experience in an ever-changing world.