Debbie Selina's writings come from her heart and inspired by real life events, she has learned to go to God in prayer and then transcribing what she feels through words. Her writings have helped her to deal with pain, fear, anger, loss, loneliness and hurt, while tying it all together with her Christian faith. Debbie also has poems focused on the goodness of God and his love for his creation. Debbie's prayer for anyone who reads this book is to find solace and comfort knowing that God is still on the throne. Do not give up on your dreams and goals in this life. Do what you can today, show someone love and be good to others. Help someone in need, stand up for what is right and live in peace with each other. Forgive one another and do not hold anything in your heart against anyone because that only hurts you in the long run. Be a blessing to someone and stand in unity. God is an integral focus in Debbie's life, and her writings, and she wants to let others know that "with God, all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).