The Suitcase tells the story of James Evans, a lifelong educator and philanthropist from Wadesboro, North Carolina. When Mr. Evans passes away from COVID-19, his nieces-with the help of a family friend-find an old suitcase inside his home. What they discover inside the suitcase helps them piece together a remarkable history and teaches them life lessons they could never have learned in a classroom.
Based on a true story, author Irene Harrington uses genealogical research and interviews with family and friends to recreate the compelling story of a generous and kind man who left an indelible mark on his family, community, and the students he served and loved during more than 50 years as a teacher and principal.
Irene Hailey Harrington is the author of Coley Hill, A Churchman's Confession, A Call Worth Answering and The Apple Tree. One of ten children of Will and Olivia Hailey, she is a native of Wadesboro, North Carolina who credits her love of writing to learning from her elders. She writes historical fiction to pass along this knowledge to younger generations so it will never be lost.