The Saga of Danny Jones is a compelling coming of age account of a 15-year old's enlightenment through the practical teachings of his paternal grandmother, Bretta Jones (Granny). After cutting history class several times, fighting at school, and disrespecting an elderly neighbor, Danny's parents make a crucial decision on his first day of summer break that he needs an intervention and a rude awakening. They send him from Philadelphia to Marion County, South Carolina to spend time with Granny on her small farm, which Danny describes as "a nightmare in the middle of the woods, with no Wi-Fi, where there is nothing to do but sit around and listen to crickets chirping, mosquitoes buzzing, roosters crowing, and a lot of bloodsucking insects doing their thing." During his visit, however, Danny's perspective about Marion County and life evolves more than he could have imagined. The teenager, who is on the cusp of becoming a young adult, learns more about himself than he thought possible and how to treat others through his grandmother's love and guidance. Granny instills in Danny invaluable nuggets of wisdom and life-long lessons about humanity, African American history, and Christian principles.
Spending time with his inspiring grandmother and members of the Marion County community, including participating in a captivating summer revival, were impactful and helped change Danny's life for the better. Danny returns home refreshed and in a renewed state of mind, ready to live up to his fullest potential. The Saga of Danny Jones depicts what it means to come of age and come toward the church.