Nik III follows the exciting journey of a young man, Nicholas III, and his three companions in reclaiming his lost heritage as one of the last heirs to the Romanov dynasty and, in the process, taking on a global syndicate that threatens the free peoples of the earth. Nik learns that he is the direct descendant of the murdered Czar Nicholas Romanov the Second, and he sees it as his responsibility to reclaim his rightful place as emancipator of the Russian peoples.
The story starts in Russia where Nik III is leading a campaign against the corrupt Soviet regime in the 1950's post World War II. Nik, along with his two companions Evginy and Vlad run through violent encounters with pedophiles, Satanists, and sex traffickers. They put their lives on the line and learn with each successful mission just how deep the problems they are trying to correct go. Their travels take them throughout Soviet Russia, USA, and Europe.
As Nik and his companions take on new challenges in reclaiming his lost heritage, they make new friends for the cause along the way. John Kennedy, a group of special Orthodox priests, Opus Dei, secret Royalist, the redneck Noonans, and some Scandinavian women become friends and assist their Great Awakening movement. The more they learn about their enemy, the more questions they end up having. An unexpected ally turns up in the dark tunnels beneath Novgorod, Russia that could turn the tide in their favor.