Witness the Heroic yet devastating crusade by WHISTLEBLOWER, combat veteran and retired Marine Corps LtCol Ted Blickwedel.
Blickwedel, a VET Center counselor, fought valiantly to protect veterans and counselors from the Veterans Administration's clinical performance policies, which compromised veterans' mental health care and counselor welfare.
Though defamed, marginalized, gaslighted, mobbed, and experiencing traumatic near-death health challenges, he marched on. Despite being forced to leave the field he loved, counseling his fellow veterans, Blickwedel was determined to expose and correct the wrong perpetrated by the VA.
In 2016, VA VET Center management broke the promise Abraham Lincoln made to care for our veterans and their families. A promise that had been honored for over 150 years. This is an expose of how bureaucrats, for the sake of numbers, compromised America's veteran's mental health care and harmed the well-being of counselors who care for them.
Lt. Col. Ted Blickwedel is a retired decorated combat veteran. Following retirement, he served as a counselor in the VA VET Center program counseling his fellow veterans in mental healthcare. During his tenure, he called to task VA VET Center management on their mandated requirements that all counselors increase their client visitation counts resulting in compromised health care. The retaliation inflicted on him resulted in his early retirement from the VA. He pressed on, suffering devastating health challenges. He overcame those challenges, and through Congressional legislation held VA management to account.