When anxiety-prone Rachel Granza learns that her growing sense of emptiness is affecting her relationship with her almost perfect boyfriend and that she's jeopardizing any possibility of a marriage proposal, she knows she must pull herself out of her funk. But how? A dream apartment in New York City, a thriving psychotherapy practice, and her unique obsessions with topics like the Titanic don't even make her feel grounded anymore. Red alert!
Trying to find happiness and meaning again-in more than her beloved Italian food-she stumbles into a genealogy mission to discover childhood information about her idol, aka her grandpa, who died years ago. He never spoke about his Italian immigrant past and now she's determined to find out the reason for his unusual secretiveness.
Rachel's ancestral roller coaster has roadblocks galore, but she needs the answers to her family's hidden history. They're her only hope to know more about her hero, salvage her relationship, and most importantly to save herself.