Greek Grammar is Not Just for Scholars
It is also for those who want to translate God's word to another language, and it is for every Christian who wants to use the Free Greek tools online.
The distinctives of this grammar include:
1. This grammar is based on the Greek Textus Receptus, which is the source of the KJV New Testament.
2. This grammar includes the doctrines of the inspiration and preservation of the Bible and the history of the New Testament Text.
3. This grammar includes lessons we can learn from the translation choices and methods of the KJV translators.
4. This grammar includes the entire first chapter of John in Greek and teaches the student through Biblical examples.
5. The lessons start with John 1:1 and explain the topics raised by that and succeeding verses.
6. All aspects of basic grammar are covered.
7. Examples and exercises are drawn from the Received Greek Text with only rare non-biblical examples.
8. This grammar (especially the final chapters) includes instruction on key principles of translating.