8The fifty-two talented writers in this anthology help us explore, through poetry, fiction, and essay, the hidden gifts of pause, voluntary and involuntary, how it may help us recalibrate, restore, find new and richer ways of being with ourselves and others. Sometimes it is better
not to over-ride, overcome, forge on. This is a radical suggestion in a world that keeps going faster and faster, that measures value by the passing likes of others rather than that still inner voice. Sometimes pause is
not a choice. It's forced upon us, whether we are ready or not. With the pandemic, all our lives slammed to a stop and were redirected in ways that were unexpected, often unwanted. Even so, sometimes the best step is just to listen in, not just to doubts but perhaps to something more resilient, constructive, slower, but stronger.
Wiser. Something we may not have thought of-or experienced-yet.