9Today, around 1.7 million Australians have diabetes and 280 Australians develop diabetes every day - or one person every five minutes. Beyond factors that we can't control like age, gender, and family history, diet and exercise have been shown to play a fundamental role in effectively reducing your risk and managing type 2 diabetes. Research shows that effective diet and exercise strategies can substantially reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, dramatically reduce your need for diabetes medication and in some case can even put type 2 diabetes into remission all together. Based on emerging research from around the world, as well as original CSIRO research recently conducted in Australia, the low-carb diet has proved successful in managing lifestyle-induced metabolic diseases, including unhealthy weight gain and type 2 diabetes. Featuring 80 brand new recipes and testimonials from Australian doctors who prescribe this diet, CSIRO Low-carb Diabetes Every Day can help you not only reach your weight-loss goals, but also maximise its benefits for improved metabolic health, blood glucose control and type 2 diabetes management and prevention.