comes the thrilling, inspiring story of a life of rock and roll
While describing the impulse driving his life and work, Rik Emmett explains, "I was never in it for the sex and drugs -- ah, but the rock and roll. Creativity was, and still is, my
it -- the truth I bet my life on.
It was also, always, about play.
The play's the thing ..."
Merging memoir, anecdotes, and masterclasses on guitar, songwriting, and the artist's mindset
, Lay It On The Line offers insight and perspective into the many roles Rik Emmett took on. "It" was always a parboiling, psychological gumbo: and this book attempts to finally share the recipe.
It also includes photos from Emmett's own archives, plus the definitive, detailed reasons behind why he walked from Triumph -- and came back two decades later.
Rock star, it seems, was a character for Rik Emmett to inhabit ... a great gig, a catalytic door-opener ... it was a role that led to other adventures -- and these are the stories he's chosen to tell.