riends, amaze your acquaintances, amuse and dazzle crowds at parties and gatherings? Mastering a few card tricks will allow you to do all that and more. With the help of this book, anyone can develop a versatile repertoire of first-rate card tricks. In fact, mastery of just the first chapter will enable you to perform a half-dozen astounding and entertaining sleights of hand. The authors, both noted authorities on magic, present complete, easy-to-understand explanations of shuffles, flourishes, the glide, the glimpse, false shuffles and cuts, the pass, the classic force, and many other techniques. These will enable card handlers to perform over 100 mind-boggling feats of card magic.
With this easy-to-understand and much-illustrated book you'll learn the classic repertoire of first-rate card tricks. Whether you're a beginner or professional, this is a must-read. Before long, you'll be doing card magic that will astound everyone.