Sex Intrigues, Scares, Destroys, Excites, Fulfills
Sex is a portal into some of the most elated states, and yet, the most painful and heart-wrenching ones as well. Sex can destroy you, and yet it can also propel you into a state of ultimate oneness. So what is that tipping point that allows you to go from destruction to construction? Sex up Your Life will pave the way to UP your connection and intimacy in sex.
In this collection of real-life stories and interviews--from Indie Music Producers, International Sex Educators, Creatives, Models, Corporate Jet-Setters, Sex Workers, Bisexual Muslims, Transgender Folk undergoing gender reassignment, Men, Women, Mothers, Fathers, and many more--holistic educator Julie Archambault has crafted a fascinating and revealing portrait of sex.
The founder of Co-creative Sex, Julie forges a new paradigm where sex, relationships, and personal growth go hand in hand.
Everyone is dealing with something --and that something has a lot to teach you about yourself.Sex Up Your Life offers a unique "Continuum for Connection for Sex"--brought to life by collected stories of struggle and triumph--to guide you from destructive disconnect to blissful sexual for sex in your life.
Order your copy of Sex Up Your Life today or click Amazon's "Look Inside" feature to begin reading the first chapter.