"An accessible guide for those wanting more" gives an accurate description of MYNDFUL's dual aim: i) to remove any barriers upon the practices of yoga, meditation and mindfulness for those feeling 'on the outside', and ii) to deepen the understanding of this body of knowledge for those who have already dipped their feet into its pool.
Working across five distinct sections designed to offer stand-alone insights, MYNDFUL is the first book of its kind to deliver teachings from this often elusive subject in easily digestible, five-minute-read portions.
With the ever-encroaching digital world bombarding us with stimuli and drowning in bits of information, we are desperately in need of what yoga and mindfulness have to offer. Finding calm in turbulence, clarity in fog and true contentment in our everyday trials is what we are all seeking. The teachings in this book are the medicines to cure what ails us. They are within our reach, in unlimited supply, for any and all who recognize that there just has to be more to life than our unending lists and schedules would suggest.
Like hitting the fast-forward button on decades of daily practice in these ancient disciplines, MYNDFUL is the proverbial Coles Notes on all things consciousness and the nature of the mind - for when you just don't have the extra ten or thirty years to painstakingly unearth them for yourself.