Gotham City is plagued by an endless supply of criminals who unleash constant chaos upon the city. But Gotham has a protector: Batman, the fearless Caped Crusader. He stands ever ready to fight the mayhem and keep the citizens of Gotham safe, one night at a time. With the Ghost Dragon gang committing daring warehouse robberies, Batman and Robin chase the gang's lieutenant, Lynx, through the streets. When Robin discovers an old nemesis--the Ghosts' dead leader, King Snake--might be alive and out for Robin's head, the stakes only get higher! Plus, Batman travels to Rio de Janeiro to track a serial killer known as the Queen of Hearts, a woman whose life he once saved. Can the Caped Crusader battle his way through the streets filled with drug-addled teenagers and a bizarre dimension known as the Idiot Zone?
An all-star cast of talent, led by Peter Milligan (
Justice League Dark), Norm Breyfogle (
Detective Comics), and Jim Aparo (
The Brave and the Bold), presents
Batman: The Caped Crusader Vol. 5, collecting
Batman $466-473 and
Detective Comics #639-640.