is a year's worth of inspiring weekly
assignments to kick-start your creativity. This book is a mission brief, a portfolio of photographic workshops, a
personalized journal and an inspirational guide to putting the creativity back
into your craft. It is filled with a year's worth of weekly commissions and
concepts for conceiving and composing powerful iPhone photographs. From
capturing the night sky, reflections and silhouettes to shooting street
festivals, newborns and skyscrapers, all the assignments in this book have been
written to inspire you to embrace the possibilities of your phone.
Whether you are photographing
natural elements or urban landscapes, each assignment encourages you to capture
the world around you without the aid of a range of lenses and other kit, just
your iPhone. Full of technical advice and professional tips, the book includes
journal space for you to add your own notes, lists and tech specs, creating a
unique journal in which you can record the journey you have made with your
imagery. Complete the assignments weekend by weekend over the course of a year,
or dip in every time you need to bring a new concept or creative approach to
your iPhone photography.