In a world of global connectivity, how can we be such great communicators with each other but not with God who loves us unconditionally?
Many of us think prayer is complicated. We are not sure how to pray and so just do not do it.
To get help in praying we often turn to the New Testament or the Psalms for inspiration. Yet buried in the often overlooked minor prophets in the Old Testament are pearls of wisdom that in fact form the raw material of prayer. These prophets understood the power of prayer, so what made them turn to God and how did they ask him for help?
By looking at each minor prophet in turn, Debbie Duncan explores their background, highlights the main themes and looks at how their example can help us to pray, revealing how surprisingly relevant these lessons are to our modern world.
These biblical characters may be called minor prophets, but they can teach us major truths about prayer.
'A wonderfully written, honest and engaging exploration of the prophets and prayer. In her clear, gentle and life-giving way, Debbie walks us into the world of the prophets to help us in our daily living. I loved this book; it gave me so much to feed on and take away. So good!' Revd Cris Rogers, All Hallows Church, Bow
'The Minor Prophets rarely rate among our hot favourite Bible books, yet Debbie Duncan encourages us to take a journey of
discovery. Minor Prophets, Major Prayer is a useful reference tool for personal study, full of enlightening biblical history that sets both author and message in context, allowing the reader to move from 'What did it say then?' to 'What does it mean for me today . . . especially for my prayer life?' There's nothing 'minor' about this book. Between the covers you'll grapple with life's big issues: a God you cannot ignore; a commitment you need to make; a prayer life you can experience.' Catherine Campbell, author
'I am so glad Debbie wrote this book. In it I have discovered hidden treasure in books of the Bible I wished I had studied more. Insights that have challenged my thinking, encouragements that have kept me going and inspiration to keep believing. Highly recommended.' Patrick Regan OBE, founder of Kintsugi Hope
'As we grapple with how to live life to the full in this Covid-19 pandemic; the wisdom, honesty and reality of the prayer life of the Minor Prophets has much to teach us. This timely book helps to reframe our perceptions of the God to whom we pray and inspires us to journey on with the One who never fails or
forsakes us.' Jane Holloway, World Prayer Centre, Birmingham