0A profoundly moving work that liberates our preconceived notions of theology, literature, and poetry. Chaz speaks to our collective conscience in the necessity and beauty of reorienting our vision; from the top to the bottom. With each successive chapter, one is led to seeing the glory of God in the fullness of one another. Thus, it may be organized as a book when, in fact, it is a living prayer. The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez XVI, Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania The bottom: a theopoetic of the streets explores homelessness; fusing theology, jazz-verse and intimate storytelling into a challenging, raw and beautiful tale. As he journeys 'downward' to build real relationships with sisters and brothers living on the streets, the author invites the reader on that mysterious journey to meet those pushed to the margins, where we discover harsh truths about social injustice and dehumanization. This novel in verse moves between poetry and a theological text titled "A Theology of the Bottom", which is written by the book's main character. Readers will be left with a greater understanding of the complex journeys of individuals who are navigating homelessness, as well as an increased understanding about liberation theology, and how to handle the grey areas of activism. The reader will also discover, as the author does, their truest self, and come to know more intimately the passionate love of God.