Containing many references to the mystical philosophies of the ancients, Iamblichus' writings are considered early accounts of theurgic traditions for their description of magical rituals and ceremonies. His descriptions hold clues to the origins and development of religious thought - particularly pagan ideas regarding burial, the afterlife, and the transition of the soul from matter to spirit.
Taylor is keen to replicate the veneration and respect which Iamblichus had for earlier traditions: both author and translator share a devotion to Neoplatonist thought, and it is in the spirit of these philosophical ideas that these insights upon antiquity are presented in English.
This edition of Iamblichus's works includes Taylor's numerous annotations. These explain more obscure meanings and references and mention related works that are also of value - in all, they assist readers in investigating the extant texts. Unlike other editions, which through error do not include the full text, care has been taken herein to reproduce the full translation.