This book contains 115 hand-made word search puzzles with additional puzzle elements: whether it's a related trivia question, an associated word puzzle, or a crafty twist on the standard format
Maybe it's a bit much to call it "The Best Word Search Book Ever Made" ...but maybe that's exactly what it is
Have fun, and always remember: once you look at the solution, you can never unsee it
** A note regarding "Large-ish Print" Many of the puzzles in this book are NOT in Large Print. Most of them do use nice, big font sizes, but some puzzles are smaller due to the overall size of the puzzle. My goal with this book was to make the most fun and engaging word searches I could make, ones that I loved myself. Unfortunately, this meant I was not able to ensure that every puzzle would be in Large Print, which is why I call it, with humourous intention, "Large-ish Print" **