3So, you are getting ready to make a change...FANTASTIC! To make a change, you need inspiration, not motivation! Our intention in compiling this fantastic book of healthful recipes is to inspire you to be and become more creative with your healthful eating. It is amazing how quick, easy, and fun healthful eating can be if you have the right inspiration. All the recipes in this book create a synergistic anti-inflammatory, low-glycemic index lifestyle which will enable your body to look and feel healthier and more youthful.People always say, "Change is Hard." But in our experiences with thousands of clients, change is easier if you have all the tools, inspiration and the right mindset to put those tools to work. As for Wendi Francis who is a Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Therapist working in my private practice and weight loss business for the last 25 years plus, we have been able to help thousands of people make the change necessary to live their most healthful life. A life that was meant to be lived instead of a life that was dull, dreary, painful or maybe even emotionally dead. That is not life. Life, in a healthful body and mind can be lived, enjoyed and celebrated. That is our intention in putting together these recipes. We want you to have a tool to put in your toolbox to help you live an inspired, celebrated and joyful life. A life in which you feel connected with yourself and others.A life in which your body does not hurt, ache or suffer from a disease.A life in which you can feel joy. A life that you live and feel ALIVE in your body and your minds.Many people continue in their unhealthful eating patterns because of habit or emotion. Breaking those patterns by eating different foods in different ways can be the first step in breaking those old, unneeded patterns. Patterns in your diet, dictate your physical and for many, your emotional health. Patterns have the power to create a new you and destroy the old one. By using these recipes, you enable yourself to change your old patterns, recreating yourself to find a more vibrant, more healthful you. By changing your eating patterns and foods, you will not only improve your body and lose weight, but you will also feel better mentally and emotionally.Don't be a statistic! Currently, the CDC reports that 76 million people in the United States are obese. That is more than the population of California, Oregon, Washington State, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho and New Mexico combined.Being obese is defined by a BMI greater than 25 and increases the risk of diabetes 20 times and the risk of heart disease by 32%. Furthermore, a review of 15 studies published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found that obese people have a 55% higher risk of developing depression. The list of these statistics can go on, but it is evident that obesity is on the rise in the United States. Furthermore, we know, scientifically, that obesity contributes to specific disease states like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke. We can also see the significant effect that being overweight can have on your mental health. In our professional experience, we can absolutely say, is this is all true.Isn't it time to change?Right now!Today!Get Inspired and Get Started!We know you can do this. Enjoy the process of making this change and continue toUncover Your Best You!