I know she's there, because I buried her myself.
Shovel full by shovel full, I search.
Regretting this decision more so the deeper I dig.
She didn't deserve this.
I was the one person she trusted and I've left her in the dark, all alone.
She'll forgive me, even though she shouldn't.
She is far too kind to stay angry long.
She is the me, who has a heart of gold.
She is the me, who feels things too deeply.
If I didn't bury her, this world would eat her alive... and she doesn't deserve that.
Committed takes experiences such as abuse, mental illness, addiction, forgiveness and love, and weaves them into a beautiful blanket of words filled with hurt, healing and hope. You'll discover within the four chapters of this book, that you are not alone in this world. Come... take my hand, I'll walk with you.