Bad News: If you feel like you might be suffering from emotional eating, this book will help you confirm those thoughts. BUT...
GOOD NEWS is that if you are an emotional eater and you are wondering what you can do about it, this book will give you a step-by-step guide on how to begin your journey to recovery.
Included is not only this step-by-step guide, but a wealth of information to help you understand exactly why you crave the foods that you do and how the chemicals contained in the food are acting on your brain to keep you addicted and craving them day after day.
This book not only gives you this information and the information you will need to know that you need to make a change, but it is also chock-full of solutions for you to make lasting change.
This book involves lots of self-reflection, and it requires effort, but you will get out what you put into it.
When you put in effort and do the work this requires in terms of self-reflecting and going within to discover the answers that only you can discover, you will finish Emotional Eating having learned so much about yourself, about what makes you do the things you do, and about what you wish to change and how to change it.
This book is an invaluable source for those who want to make a change in their relationship with food, but they don't know how to do it or where to start. Many of us have a rocky relationship with food that we may have learned as children, but we do not recognize usually. Emotional Eating will help you recognize this.
Treating a problem always begins with identifying the problem. Emotional Eating will help you to identify the problem. There are few books out there with an interactive guide to identifying the problem and then beginning to remedy it interactively. Emotional Eating contains both in one without you ever needing to step into the office of a therapist or a psychologist. Everything you need is already within you, and Emotional Eating helps you to find these things for yourself.
This book will allow you to have lasting results because you will know how to go within and see what you are looking for if you ever need to later in your life.
Inside Emotional Eating, you will discover:
● If you suffer from emotional eating by learning what makes an emotional eater
● The difference between actual hunger and emotional hunger
● What makes you crave those unhealthy snack foods and how it affects your brain to improve your mood temporarily
● Struggling with what snacks are healthy when you need a quick bite? Includes options for substituting your favorite snack foods with healthier options
● A workbook for you to figure out exactly what type of eater you are and what is causing it, as well as to journal your thoughts and feelings about it all
● A meal plan with healthy and tasty options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
● A guide to how exercise will help you to change and sample exercises to start with
Start taking care of yourself. Make the first step. Read this book.
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