Are you looking for a groundbreaking coloring book for building girl's confidence, imagination and Spirit?
Here we are This book is perfect to boost a girl's confidence, imagination and career aspirations
The inspirational new coloring book that explores what it is to be Strong, Smart... Respectful, Determined, Kind, Thankful, Creative, Hard-Working and so much more.
The 90+ pages encourage girls to think beyond social conventions and inspire about what it really means to be confident, brave, and beautiful. Cultivate optimism and confidence.
This is an activity book for your preschooler or school-aged child, this cute and positive book helps kids build confidence while inspiring and entertaining them. It s a fun and mess-free way to engage in arts and crafts for girls ages 3-10.
This book:
This is a great Gift for any Girls
Based on studies showing that coloring books can combat stereotypes and positively impact girls' interest by relieving stress and reversing negativity.
It uses the science of positive psychology to help the child focus on their strengths, good character and positive attributes, which in turn shapes their future in a positive direction.
Positive and educational. This unique activity book is designed to flood the girl with positive self-images and beliefs. They get to explore what it means to be successful, brave, creative and confident.
Not even the sky is the limit .... encourages young girls by presenting a colorful variety of choices for their future careers.
This book is a great way for parents to introduce their small children to the bright futures before them. Girls can dream big and do anything