It's time to give your friends, family and significant other something to scream about with the range of frozen delicious desserts in this book. These classic recipes with all your favorite flavors will send you dashing to the freezer again and again.
In this book we focus on Ice Cream. The Ice Cream cookbook is a complete set of simple but very unique Ice Cream recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing.
The Complete Whynter Ice Cream Maker Cookbook includes:
À la mode―The Complete Whynter Ice Cream Maker Cookbook introduces you to the delicious history of ice creams and covers the various types of ice cream bases you'll be working with.
An ice cream―These easy-to-follow recipes take you through every step of baking perfect freezing flawless ice cream, including simple and fun steps for assembly and decoration.
Flavor of love―From beautiful boozy cakes to dreamy ice cream, wow your loved ones and satisfy your inner child with uniquely yummy flavor combinations.
Ace the art of ice cream cakes with The Complete Whynter Ice Cream Maker Cookbook, and make 1000-Day Creative, Mouth-Watering and Quick-to-Make Recipes to Enjoy Tasty Treat Whenever You Want