e-backed recipes to help women combat symptoms of the menopause and boost their long-term health
'Federica is a brilliant scientist and a joy to work with. She is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about nutrition research and communicating evidence-based science in a clear and practical way'- Professor Tim Spector Misinformation around what to eat during the menopause is commonplace, despite being something that every woman will face at some point in their lives. So how can women tailor their diets to minimize symptoms and improve their health? There are plenty of anecdotal guides and helpful medical perspectives on the causes and symptoms of the menopause, but there is currently no evidence-based, practical cookbook with delicious recipes to help women harness the power of food to transform their long-term wellbeing.
Dr Federica Amati's knowledge of the cutting-edge scientific research around menopause and nutrition, and Jane Baxter's 35-year career as an award-winning chef with personal experience of cooking for the menopause - make them uniquely placed to give women the tools they need to optimize diet for the menopause and beyond.