Ever worried about your low credit score causing you to suffer the embarrassment of being declined for credit cards, a mortgage, car loans, or even that cute rental apartment you fell in love with?
Even worse, what if you get turned down from your next job application because of it?
If you want to achieve maximum success by getting past mistakes, erasing and restoring your credit score then you need to follow the same steps that I will explain in this book.
You'll learn what to do, when to do it, and how to do it so you repair your credit and get the financial life you deserve. The easy approach of this guide helps you to understand how to repair your credit score and your finances to get the best terms and lowest interest rates possible, It's a shortcut that explains and reveals hidden traps, and puts you in control of your financial life. The principles apply no matter where you live, how much you know about personal finances, or whether you're just starting. The principles apply no matter where you live, how much you know about personal finances, or whether you're just starting.
This book covers:
As long as you are willing to put into practice the strategies I share that apply to your situation and take the time to see it through, this book can help you. Whether you have credit problems now or are just being proactive and doing your best to avoid credit problems in the future, this book can help.