In this edited collection, Sport Media Vectors: Digitization, Expanding Audiences, and the Globalization of Live Sport, leading scholars from five continents explore the socio-cultural and political aspects of sport media vectors. Our book covers a complementary range of topics: esports; livestreaming; traditional linear broadcasting; gender, sexual orientation and masculinities in sport media; global comparisons; media and technological implications of sport; and audience study. Our book plays an important role in understanding the globalization of live sport from the sport media point of view, which has not been widely investigated. However, due to recent demand by fans to consume and engage with live sport and the concomitant growth of digital platforms supplying fans access and enhancing their consumption experience, it is gaining importance and attention in the field. A common thread with many of the contributors of this book is their focus on the intersection between scholarly work and its convergence and practical relevance with industry practice.