e occult dimensions of Marxism, Bolshevism and the historical influences of Russian Cosmism on these ideologies. Occultism, magic, Bolshevism and Cosmism are defined at the outset. Chapter one explores Federov's Cosmism and the theory of Marxism as an occult philosophy. Russian sects, the Narodniks and Anarchy are discussed. Chapter 2: "Before Lenin Came" delves into the Russian Silver Age its Satanic underground as well as the visionary space-age thoughts of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Occult aspects of Lenin's life are examined as well as those of other early Bolsheviks: V. D. Bonch-Bruyevich, Anatoly Lunacharsky, Alexander Bogdanov and Gleb Boky. Rites and rituals of early Bolshivism are outlined along with the concept of "God-Building." The occult meaning of Soviet symbols: the red star and the hammer and sickle are revealed. The surprising role of the occult in Stalin's own life are pointed out and esoteric concepts promoted by Vladimir Vernadsky and Alexander Chizhevsky. In much of this we will observe how, by politicizing science, the Soviet Union was fatally crippled in its efforts in the Cold War. Finally, a word is said about the Age of Putin and the growing popularity of neo-paganism, Rodnovery in Slavic countries. After absorbing the contents of this book, the reader will be aware of how the Red Magic works- knowledge that can either be used to master the work-place or be awakened to the effects of this sorcery working in our world today.