Pelvic congestion syndrome is one of the most misunderstood and least well-known medical conditions today. Because doctors most do not look for it, nor treat it:
However, research over the last 20 years has led us to know how we can investigate it and cure most people who have it.
Moreover, research is showing how hemorrhoids (piles), varicocele in men and some erectile dysfunction are also due to pelvic venous disorders, and how new treatments are being developed for each.
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome - Chronic Pelvic Pain and Pelvic Venous Disorders explains the concepts, the veins, how they go wrong to cause the problem - and how specialists at The Whiteley Clinic have spent 20 years developing the optimal investigations and treatments for this condition.
This book is aimed at both the public and health care professionals who want to know more about this fascinating condition that affects millions of women and men in the world today.
by Schwartz R. T. (R) (V I. )., Jonathan J.
Paperback /Paperback$79.62