This exquisite new title explores how fifty artists develop their ideas, drawing on diverse sources and their own imaginations to create incredible images. In each article, artists share their love for fantasy drawing, exploring the inspirations and processes behind their practices. Packed with tips, tricks, and creative insights, the artists reveal how they developed their skills, exercise their talents, and explore new fantasy ideas through the forum of drawing. From doodles and sketches of creative creatures to fully rendered drawings of invented worlds, each collection is a compendium of concepts to intrigue and inspire the creatively minded.
Following the runaway success of Sketching from the Imagination: An Insight into Creative Drawing, 3DTotal Publishing's new title Sketching from the Imagination: Fantasy focuses on designing concepts for one of the most popular genres for artists and audiences alike. A visually stunning collection packed with useful advice, Sketching from the Imagination: Fantasy is an excellent value resource for concept design that will inspire artists of all abilities, as well as those that simply admire beautiful art.
by Fan Zone, Drawing and. Coloring
Paperback /Paperback$6.96