A migrating swallow and a migrant girl cross paths while looking for a place to call home.
A bird so small that it fits in your hand flies halfway around the world looking for a place to nest, while a young girl from northern Africa flees halfway around the world looking for safety. This is the story of Bird. This is the story of Leila. This is the story of a chance encounter and a long journey home.
North Somerset Teachers Book Awards shortlist. Kate Greenaway Medal Nomination.
"Beneath the surface, one can find many opportunities for a deep conversation about belonging, welcoming, and freedom from oppression and danger"--Youth Book Review Services
"A delicate and touching little tale that packs its powerful message inside a velvet glove. Do yourselves a favor and order a copy now"--The Letterpress Project
"A beautiful exploration of friendship, the parallel migrations of Bird and Leila, and the welcome they receive in their new home. Perfect for developing empathy and compassion"--Library Girl and Book Boy