known pattern and proof coins struck in gold, together with off-metal strikes and unofficial fantasies, also in gold. Included are the English series from Edward VI to Elizabeth I (1547-1603) and the coinage of Great Britain from James I to Elizabeth II sterling coinage (1603-1976), extending the period covered by the previous edition from 1968 to 1976.
A "pattern" is a coin designed and proposed for use as regular currency. Apart from genuine "trial" pieces, many fine medallic issues exist, and for the sake of completeness they are included here, together with unofficial "fantasies". These amusing pieces, not intended as patterns for the Regal coinage, were produced privately and gave full rein to the engraver's imagination.
Many coins included in the catalogue are the only known specimens, and their present whereabouts are unknown. Photographs of the main types appear wherever possible, and the entire catalogue has been fully revised and updated to include up-to-date information, plus all new discoveries made since the first edition was published in 2000.