Using scientific research to back up popular law of attraction teachings Your Invisible Enemy, Your Invisible Power is the first book to identify that significant numbers of fans of the law of attraction are suffering from depression, anxiety, and addictive behaviours as a consequence of growing up in a dysfunctional household. This experience has left them unable to benefit from the law of attraction.
"Overcoming the lingering effects of childhood trauma is what causes the mental, emotional, and spiritual shift that allows the law of attraction to work."
The self-doubt and fear learned in your dysfunctional childhood is an invisible enemy sabotaging your very best efforts to live the life you want. Facing your past, feeling the pain and finding faith and purpose will release you from denial and project you into a powerful new world where a myriad of possibilities will reveal themselves.
This book will give you clear-cut directions on how to recover from the past, find your purpose and prosper.