Ever wondered why you struggle to manifest? How others make it seem so easy? Or maybe, you can do the little stuff like parking spaces but the big stuff never happens and you wonder what you are doing wrong?
This simply written book will address exactly what you have been doing wrong and help you master the art of manifesting in any area of your life. With a bit of help from your Angels too
Amanda Tooke "The Angel Mystic" shares how with a few simple exercises the Law of Attraction can work for you - rather than against you. Whether it is money, love, health or success the answers to finding all your desires are within this book.
This book will teach you how to create a daily manifesting practice to fit into the busiest of lives. Fun, practical things you can do each day to bring your desires to life and manifest quickly what you want. It covers how to clear your blocks that have been holding you back for so long, so nothing needs to stand in the way in the future.
It also offers real life inspiring stories so you know anything is possible.