Congratulations on choosing your copy of the ''Keto Bread Machine Cookbook''
I'm delighted that you have chosen to add more recipes to your Keto diet plan.
It may be surprising to an individual starting out with the Keto diet that you can still make delicious and healthy bread with just a few changes to traditional bread recipes. I am looking forward to sharing with you about the plethora of flavors and varieties of bread that can be enjoyed starting today.
While traditional breads are made with yeast and dairy products, you will find that the substitutions that are used for these keto recipes mimic the chewy and spongy that are found in original recipes. In my opinion, they taste even better and will keep you more full.
I am excited to share with you the savory and sweet varieties of keto breads to you in this cookbook. I am sure that you will prefer these breads over the recipes that you have made in the past and that you will enjoy them more as they will not kick you out of ketosis.
So let's get started on learning about and incorporating some delicious breads in your diet