*** The Official Dr.Sebi's 3-Step Method Which Has Already Cured Millions of People Over the World!!! ***
Traditional remedies against cold sores and genital herpes are nothing more than a band-aid.
The proof is they come back over and over again.
But why is that?
Because the only way to definitely get rid of herpes is detoxifying the body, treating it as its whole.
Though, in our western world, we have never get used to the idea of treating the body as a whole. So we have never been able to definitely get rid of herpes.
Embarrassed about that, we have put a stamp on herpes as a "cyclical disorder", when it's not.
Dr.Sebi's 3-Step Method treats the body in its whole, in order to get rid of cold sores and genital herpes once forever.
In this book he reveals to you:
● How you can get rid of herpes PERMANENTLY by following his proven 3-Step Method (100% medication-free)
● How to immunize your body from herpes 365 days a year by eating 9 specifics fruits and vegetables you're likely to have already in your kitchen
● How to tremendously boost your herpes healing process by assuming 10 miracle herbs (a medicine for you, a poison for herpes)
● How to gently healing pregnant women from herpes to better their overall health and their child's' as well (as you just learned, the human body is a whole and herpes could degenerate into some worse disease like Cancer and Osteoporosis)
● How to gain an overall sense of wellbeing by following all Dr.Sebi' advice in this book (some of them never revealed to the public before)
..And so much more.
Now, what are you going to choose? The band-aid-path or the permanently-path?
If you go on with the first...