Armed with everything in this book, you can learn and master the essential guitar scales all over the guitar neck, organize your fretboard for greater understanding and faster progress, use the exercises shown to practice smarter and more efficiently, and become a better guitar player, soloist, improviser and all-round musician.
In this method book (with accompanying demonstration videos and backing tracks) you'll discover how to use the CAGED method to unlock your guitar fretboard and overcome the fretboard 'roadblocks' which prevent most guitar players from ever truly mastering the guitar neck. After the CAGED system has been clearly explained, you'll learn how to apply it to the most useful guitar scales all guitar players need to know: the minor pentatonic, major pentatonic, major scale and natural minor scale plus arpeggio shapes for major7, dominant7, minor7 and minor7b5. I'll also reveal how to use what you've learned to master other essential guitar scales like the Dorian mode, Lydian mode, Mixolydian mode, minor6 pentatonic and the blues scale.
The CAGED System for Guitar gives you 40 sample guitar licks, with video demonstrations, to help you build your guitar solos and soloing vocabulary. You also get step-by-step practice routines and guitar exercises, as well as 'speed learning' techniques to help you to master your fretboard in a fraction of the time it takes most other guitarists.
In The CAGED System for Guitar you'll discover:
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