Young Ellie is running through the woods - running from the Forgotten People and the demon to which they intend to sacrifice her.
And it doesn't matter whether Behemoth is real or just a distortion of a local legend, the insane cult will kill her just as dead either way.
But there is someone coming to save her, someone who'll brave an army of cultists and a legion of demons - Ellie's mother. The only problem is that she's dead. Fortunately, there's an unstoppable vigilante-medium on hand to give her soul a ride. - Hollow Girl.
From Luke Cooper, creator of AloneNotLonely, Figments, Pumpernickel and A Glimpse of Hell, and artist on the award winning GoodCopBadCop, Wolf Country and Burlap: Death Waits for No One, Hollow Girl: Behemoth is the 8th book in the acclaimed Hollow Girl series and combines bloody action and supernatural horror to create one of the darkest comics you'll ever read.