vitation to discover more about yourself, become more conscious about what you want, and create a rich and fulfilling life through one journaling prompt a day. With this book, you can take the guess work out of journaling and use one writing prompt each day of the year to explore and unpack the most important aspects of your life and your being.
Each month, you'll focus on one important area of your life:
- January: Identity
- February: The Past
- March: Environment
- April: Fun
- May: Career
- June: Relationships
- July: Growth
- August: Money
- September: Travel and Adventure
- October: Health
- November: Spirituality
- December: The Future
You can start in January, June or November; simply turn to today's date and start writing! Whether you're new to journaling or have enjoyed a reflective writing practice for some time, The Year of You offers a wealth of inspiration that will deepen your understanding and awareness of what makes you who you are.