In Elders, PJ shares how to build healthy, happy and effective eldership teams that get the best out of the leader and the team. This book is ideal for training potential elders and revitalizing existing teams of elders.
PJ has been developing elders for many years. He has planted and led churches in Zimbabwe, South Africa and the USA, and leads the Advance Movement of churches. He is the author of Crossing the Line of Faith, Through the waters of Baptism and How the Gospel Moves from Friend to Friend. He lives in the greater Washington D.C. area with his wife Ashleigh, and three sons.
"This is the best book on eldership I have ever read."
Andrew Wilson, Author of Spirit and Sacrament.
"Theologically rigorous. Eminently practical. Incisive and persuasive."
Sam Storms, Bridgeway Church, Oklahoma.
"A book built on scripture and honed in the trenches of real-life ministry."
Larry Osborne, Author of Sticky Church.
"A treasure trove of practical wisdom. Truly a gift to the church."
Brett McCracken, Senior editor, The Gospel Coalition.
"This is one of the best books I've read on eldership in the local church."
Josh Kouri, Frontline Church, Oklahoma.
"Brave, timely and reorienting. This feels like the book PJ was born to write."
Joel Virgo, Leader of Newday Youth Festival.
"A solid and inspiring workbook to help you build wisely."
Terry Virgo, Founder of the Newfrontiers movement of Churches.