Greenie Beanie Jeanie, Zerth-Fifteen, a student and residing in the Township of Farms, on the outskirts of the suburban city, Spirit of 7 Cowboys. She has made friends with Winnykneebee Salavamp, the Triplet Sisters and a boy from school, Sasquiche Sasniche.
Greenie's adventures are only beginning, twists and turns, a maze of amazing events starting from when she nearly gets run over by a Hopperhorse, and saved by Winnykneebee!
Greenie befriends Fire Knight, Simon-Knight and their fates and destinies are only the beginning.
The daughter of a former Moonsteep Street Surgeon, Beanie Greenie Jeanie, the daughter and mother share adventures.
All the while there are criminals lurking in the background, the Madcap family.
Greenie's adventures are about to explode into a towering inferno!
Great Spirit has a set forth a plan for Greenie and it will continue to accelerate with each passing event.