Wicca For Beginners
is your comprehensive guide towards understanding the real basics of what the Wiccan path is about. Full of historical knowledge and important figures like Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, and Aleister Crowley, Wicca For Beginners will take you onto an intellectual journey andeducate you on the true basics, laws, and honor code that is barely touched on.
Sure you can buy someone's book about magic, but Wicca For Beginners is a true guide that will stay with you throughout the tests of time. It stays away from typical mainstays like how to cast spells and telling you what tools you need to have and instead focuses on your need to know the real basics behind spellcasting in general, how you can use tools that are specifically important to you, and how to communicate with the deities you are connected to.
While reading this book you'll be able to understand: