Janice McKay, Clinical Psychologist, wrote Villony Virus for adults to read to children aged around five to eleven years to assist with conversations about Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and other community health episodes.
This story is about a virus (Villony) who comes to town and how it impacted on a family. The story explains the changes that had to be made, with specific reference to separation from grandparents.
This book is intended to educate children, to help them realise that others may feel as they do, to reassure them that they will be okay, and to give them hope for the future. Children can learn a few basic strategies to help cope with stress and change. Parents can draw on these ideas to help communicate with their children. This is not a therapeutic manual and does not take the place of treatment if children have anxiety or other mental health or behavioural problems. Nor does this book cover the vast array of experiences in varied family situations.
If you are concerned about your child - if there is a change in their behaviour, appetite, sleep or if they are more withdrawn or irritable than usual - then please seek advice from your doctor.