Create and Grow Your Own Damn Wealth!
My Romance With Crypto
Have you ever heard of, or been curious about 'Bitcoin'?
Have you found financial stresses are building in your life?
Does it seem too techie and overwhelming?
This is my personal journey from where you are now to enjoying passive incomes.
How I overcame my doubts and fears and now teach women to do the same.
How I fell in love with crypto, both for the investment opportunities, and for the positive impact it can effect, to individual women's lives, and whole societies too.
You will learn about why bitcoin & crypto are so relevant in these turbulent times.
You will learn how I set up my own foundations and built my portfolio.
You will learn how I created wealth streams that can help to secure your future too.
"Women In Crypto" is the informational book for women who truly desire to step into their power and improve their financial situation by learning about some of the most innovative wealth creation opportunities of our times.