Ever wanted to write a nonfiction reference book? Curious about how to organize and develop your topic into an inviting, easy-to-use manuscript? Look no further!
Packed with tips, this book will walk you through insights into planning, writing, editing, pre-publication, and marketing your reference book, from pre-writing to post-publication.
Topics covered include-
-You, the Expert: Adventures in Choosing your Topic
-Writing a Book: All the Feels, Some of the Reasons
-Talking 'bout Timelines: Gauging How Long it Takes and How Many Drafts You Need
-Decide and Divide: Organizing Sections or Chapters with Pizzazz and Ease for your Readers
-On Exciting Options: Possibilities for Page-Layout and Presenting Text with Panache
-Me-ouch! The Not-So-Small Matter of Tone
-A Small Step Sideways: Sustaining Your Project through the Unexpected
-Choosing the Best Publication Fit for Your Book
-Grow Your Own Success: Adventures in Self-Publishing
-Not Going it Alone: on Writing-Swap Partners and Beta Readers, Advice for Hiring an Editor, Marketing 101
and much more!